Georgie the Corgi's Insecurities
Georgie the Corgi’s Insecurities focuses on Georgie the Corgi as she navigates her relationship with food and her own body image. Throughout the book, she encounters her other dog friends and her human where she starts to feel insecure about her own physical characteristics and abilities. Georgie realizes that feeling insecure is normal and finds ways to combat these insecurities: to open-up about them and that she can be defined by more than just her appearance.

Behind the Book

As a mental health professional, I witness firsthand some of the struggles facing young children in this day and age; in my experience, negative body image and insecurities surrounding physical differences have become major issues in the lives of young children. As early as age five, children begin experiencing poor body image and disordered eating habits like skipping meals, purging, and binging. This, of course, is the result of a variety of factors—none more influential and widespread than a fear of bullying from peers (verbal and social bullying have been identified as most prevalent). Young children don’t always possess the natural capability or awareness to understand, on their own, how to differentiate between their emotions and what is actually true. Additionally, parents, even with the best of intentions, aren’t always prepared to identify and respond to this sort of issue (nor should they be expected to—not alone, at least!).
There are three goals for this book:
To help children who are being body shamed or have negative body image to know that they are not alone and help them recognize that insecurities are not facts.
To teach children to be sensitive and considerate of others’ physical appearances.
To help caregivers who read with their children ask questions and encourage communication about feelings and insecurities.
Chesnie Nichols
Author and Creator