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The Furry Tales of Life Series

The Furry Tales of Life Series’ mission is to increase awareness of mental health, social, and emotional issues in children and to inform their parents. Through fun dog characters, we hope the difficult subject matter will help children relate and recognize the similarities to the character’s obstacles in their own lives.


Currently, Georgie the Corgi’s Insecurities is number one of the series.

Georgie the Corgi's Insecurities

Book 1 of Furry Tales of Life

Georgie the Corgi’s Insecurities focuses on Georgie the Corgi as she navigates her relationship with food and her own body image. Throughout the book, she encounters her other dog friends and her human where she starts to feel insecure about physical characteristics and abilities. Georgie realizes that feeling insecure is normal and ways to combat these insecurities are to open-up about them and that she can be defined by more than just her appearance.

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